
Following are the Notification settings available in EUM Notifications:

Go to Requests - hamburger menu- click on Settings. 

Click on Notifications link under Settings.

External User Manager Notification Settings page is displayed with following fields:

Field: "Select your service account. All E-mail Notifications will be sent from this account": This is a text field where user enters a valid email address.

Request Notifications:

Field "E-mail Notifications for an incoming request to all approvers": This is a toggle field with Yes and No options.

Select Yes option: When a new request is created from the requester, a email notification will be sent to the Approver.

Select No option: When a new request is created from the requester, there is no email  notification sent.

Field "Bot Notifications for an incoming request to all approvers": This is a toggle field with Yes and No options.

Select Yes option: When a new request is created from the requester, a bot notification will be sent to the Approver in the chat window.

Select No option: When a new request is created from the requester, there is no bot notification sent.

Field "E-Mail Notifications for an approved or denied request to the requester": This is a toggle field with Yes and No options.

Select Yes option: When a request is approved or denied, a email notification will be sent to the requester.

Select No option: When a request is approved or denied, there is no email notification sent.

Field "Bot Notifications for an approved or denied request to the requester": This is a toggle field with Yes and No options.

Select Yes option: When a request is approved or denied, a bot notification will be sent to the requester in the chat window.

Select No option: When a request is approved or denied, there is no bot notification sent.

Field "E-Mail Notifications for an approved invite to the invitee": This is a toggle field with Yes and No Options.

Select Yes option: When a request is approved, email notification will be sent to the invitee to join the Team.

Select No option: When a request is approved, there is no email notification sent.

This completes the functionalities available in Notifications page of External User Manager.