Onboarding/Offboarding Notifications
Onboarding Notifications:
Field "E-Mail Notifications for reminding the onboarding to the invitee": This is a toggle field with Yes and No Options.
Select Yes option: If the “Enable auto reject onboarding reminder” toggle field is turned on in the 'Settings > Onboarding > General settings' section, an email notification (onboarding reminder) will be sent to the invitee X days before the auto-reject.
Field "E-Mail Notifications for expired onboarding to the invitee": This is a toggle field with Yes and No Options.
Select Yes option: If the “Enable auto reject onboarding if an external user does not complete the onboarding process” toggle field is turned on in the 'Settings > Onboarding > General settings' section, an email notification will be sent to the invitee indicating that the onboarding has expired.
Team offboarding and tenant offboarding Notifications:
Field "E-Mail Notifications for team offboarding to the invitee": This is a toggle field with Yes and No Options.
Select Yes option: After a guest user is removed from the team, an email notification will be sent to the invitee.
Select No option: There is no email notification sent (for team offboarding).
Field "E-Mail Notifications for tenant offboarding to the invitee": This is a toggle field with Yes and No Options.
Select Yes option: After a guest user is deleted from the tenant, an email notification will be sent to the invitee.
Select No option: There is no email notification sent (for tenant offboarding).