Deletion Flow

This section describes the steps for the Deletion Flow. 

Following steps are to be executed for the Deletion Flow:

1. Login to SharePoint using valid login credentials.


2. Click on App Launcher icon in the left top panel of the window and Click on Flow.

3. Click on "Create" link in the left panel.

4. Click on "Automated Flow" link in the right panel of the window.

5. Enter the name of the Flow as "DeletionFlow" and select "When an item is deleted(SharePoint)" radio button and click on button "Create".

6. Enter the site address of the CM365 in "Site Address" field, select "Workspace" from List Name drop down. 


7. Click on Notifications and select "Send me an email notification".

8. In Subject field, enter "This workspace "Name(SharePoint)" is deleted". 

Note: Select "Name(SharePoint) from Dynamic content tab. 

9. In Body field, enter "This workspace "Name(SharePoint)" is deleted by "Deleted by" from Dynamic content tab.

10. Click on Save button.

This completes the steps for Deletion Flow.