Mail Nickname changeable
Mail Nickname changeable
This section details the functionality of Request settings. Admin can enable the option of changing the mail nickname for Teams/groups and this will define the SharePoint site.
Enabling Mail Nickname changeable:
Go to Settings and click on Request.
Select the toggle field Mail Nickname changeable to Yes.
Go to Teams tab and click on Create a Team button.
Mail Nickname field will be in editable mode and user will be able to change the value in mail nickname field.
Go to Teams tab and click on Create a Request button.
Mail Nickname field will be in editable mode and user will be able to change the value in mail nickname field.
Disabling Mail Nickname changeable:
Go to Settings and click on Request.
Select the toggle field Mail Nickname changeable to No.
Go to Teams tab and click on Create a Team button.
After selecting Template, in Create Teams dialog, Mail Nick name field is not available.
In next page which details the Teams, Mail Nickname field will be in non-editable mode and value entered in Team name will be displayed in Mail nickname field.
Go to Teams tab and click on Create a Request button.
Mail Nickname field will be in non-editable mode and value entered in Team name will be taken in Mail nickname field.
This completes the functionality of Mail Nickname Changeable in Request.