Create Viva Engage when Approval process disabled

Viva Engage can be created in Teams Manager when user enables Enable Viva Engage in Settings and it is connected to MS account.

This section describes the steps for creation of Viva Engage.

Approval Disabled:

Go to Teams Manager and navigate to tab "Teams".

Click on button 'Create'.

Option to select Viva Engage is displayed to user.

Enter the details related to the viva engage in the following fields:

Name: This is a mandatory text field which accepts alphanumeric characters and special characters between 3 and 100. Enter any Team name.

Mail Nickname: This field will be displayed as editable field, if Select the toggle field Mail Nickname changeable to Yes is updated in Settings.

Description: This is a text box which accepts alphanumeric characters  and special characters. This accepts around 100 characters and this is not a mandatory field. Enter some description.

Visibility: Select public or private and click on Next button.

Owner: This is a text field and this field is by default updated with the user currently logged in. This will be the Owner of the Teams. One Owner is mandatory for the Yammer community, but there are possibilities to add more than one owner for the Teams. This is a mandatory field. By default this field is updated as "MOD administrator" as this is the logged in user.

Member: This is a text field and this field can hold more than one members. This is not a mandatory field. Enter "Alex" as member.

Guest Access Enabled/Disabled: If guest users are to be added to the Team, user can select guest access enabled. If no guest users are to be added to Team, user can select disable guest access.

Click on Next button.

Summary page with details of Basic Info, Metadata and Policy.

Click on Send Request button.

Viva Engage is created and displayed under Active Teams with type as Viva Engage community.

Based on any policy that is applied, naming convention of Viva Engage will be changed.

This completes the functionality on creation of Viva Engage when Approval is disabled.