Create Dynamic Group
Create Dynamic Groups
This section details of creation of Dynamic Groups.
Dynamic groups are used to assign the different templates for different user groups. When there is no enterprise edition available, user is displayed with the message that user does not have license to use dynamic groups. This functionality is available only on Enterprise edition.
Steps for Creation of Dynamic Group:
Go to Settings-Expert Mode and click on Dynamic Groups.
Click on Add group button.
Group name: This is unique name of the dynamic group which accepts alpha numeric characters. This field is mandatory and field length is between 3 and 100 characters. Enter Dyngroup1.
Group Description: This is the mandatory field where description about the group can be entered. This accepts alpha numeric characters and field length is between 3 and 100 characters.Enter Dyngroup1.
Add Member: This field accepts the users available. This field does not allow to enter the invalid users. Enter Alex wilber.
Click on Add Condition button.
3 fields to select field, equals or contains with the value to be entered is displayed to the user to enter the condition satisfying the member.
for eg. select Department in 1st field, equals in 2nd field and enter Sales in 3rd field.
All users who belong to department Sales will be filtered on. when template is associated to this dynamic group, this template will only be available to the users in the dynamic groups specified during Team/Request creation.
Note: Click on Add rule to insert multiple rules.
Click on Add condition to insert multiple conditions with AND or OR combinations.
Delete button in right corner enables to delete the rules and conditions that are entered for this dynamic group.
Click on Create button.
Dynamic group Dyngroup1 will be created with members Alex and for all the members who belong to department Sales.
When there is no Enterprise license available, following screen will be displayed when Admin tries to access dynamic Groups.
This completes the creation of dynamic groups.