Configure Template - Template Information

User can configure or change the templates as per their needs.

This section describes the steps for configuring Template Information using Configure Template feature in Teams Manager. Only Users having Admin privilege will be able to configure the Template.

Go to Teams Manager and from Teams or Requests tab, navigate to tab "Templates".

Select any existing Template eg spaceprjo and click on 3 dots in the right corner.

Click on Configure Template option.

3 tabs with Template Information, Governance and Reporting are displayed.

Template Information:


User can click on Edit link and update the description of Template details under Title.

Name field will be in read-only mode.

Description: This will be an editable field, and Admin can provide description about the templates.This field accepts between 3 and 255 characters.

Goal field: This will be editable field, 

Audience field: This will be editable field and Admin can update the audience involved in Creation of Teams using this template.

Warning message will be displayed to user: It can take up to 5 minutes until the updated description is displayed.

After making modifications, user can click on Update button and changes will be reflected under Title section.

Image text box is added to Configure Template, where Admin can add images to template using upload image or Create an AI Image to template using Create an AI image button.

Click on Upload image button.

User can click on "Insert the image...." text and upload the image from specific location. Click on upload button. Image will be loaded and displayed in Template configuration page.

NOTE: This image will be uploaded to template and will be displayed as thumbnail if the option for "Show thumbnails for templates" is enabled in Settings-Request.

User can delete the uploaded image using the Delete button available.

Click on Create an AI Image button. 2 buttons "Create a logo for my team", "Create an image for my template" will be displayed to user.

Click on Create  a logo for my team button. A short description will be displayed automatically in text box below. User can modify providing the description of how the logo for Team needs to be, this field will accept until 2000 characters and click on side arrow.

A new AI image will be generated automatically and this image will be displayed as thumbnail if the option  for "Show thumbnails for templates" is enabled in Settings-Request.

Click on Create  an image for my template button. A short description related to template will be displayed automatically in text box below. User can modify providing the description of template, this field will accept until 2000 characters and click on side arrow.

A new AI image will be generated automatically and this image will be displayed as thumbnail if the option  for "Show thumbnails for templates" is enabled in Settings-Request.

Metadata Fields:

All the existing metadata fields associated to this template will be displayed under Metadata fields section.

User can click on Edit link and this takes to Metadata screen where user can make modifications to the metadata field or create a new metadata field for that specific template.

Click on update button and all modifications will be reflected under Metadata fields section.

NOTE: IF there are no metadata field associated, it displays message "The template does not have connected metadata fields".

Dynamic Groups:

All the existing dynamic groups associated to this template will be displayed under Dynamic Groups section.

User can click on Edit link and this takes to Dynamic groups screen where user can update the dynamic group.

Click on update button and the modifications will be reflected under Dynamic Groups section.

NOTE: If there are no dynamic groups associated, it displays "The template does not have dynamic groups assigned".

This completes the functionality of Configure Template - Template Information in Teams Manager.

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