Policy and Approval Groups

Following section describes the functionality of Approval Groups in Policy Package when field Approver Group-Approval Enabled is set to ON.

Field "Approver Group- Approval Enabled": This is a toggle field, when this field is set to ON, a drop down field is displayed below with list of all Approval Groups available.

This is mapped to Default Approval Group for the first time when the Teams Manager app is upgraded from the previous version. User can select any Approval Groups available.

Approval of Request when Approver Group - Approval Enabled in Policy toggle field is set to ON:

For any open requests, from the previous installation, all open Requests can be approved or rejected by the users who belong in Default Approval Group.

For any new Requests/Teams created that satisfies the policy execution condition, following steps applies:

Create a new Approval Group "AppGroup1" with Approvers: Debra Berger and Christie Cline.

Go to Policy Package and Create a new Policy Package "PP-TEST" with Naming convention "NC-TEST", Lifcyle "LC-TEST", Approval group - Approval enabled toggle field to ON, select "AppGroup1" from drop down.

Note: Naming convention "NC-TEST should be available in Naming Convention. 

Lifcyle "LC-TEST" should be available in Lifecycle Management.

Create a Policy Execution "PP-TEST" with condition satisfying: Template contains "TEMP".

Create a new Request from Request tab out of Template "Temp111".

ONLY users belonging to Approval Group: AppGroup1( Debra Berger and Christie Cline) will be able to approve this Request. 

For any other user, this request will NOT be displayed and they will NOT be able to Approve the Request.

This completes the functionality of Approval Groups in Policy Package when field Approver Group-Approval Enabled is set to ON.

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