
This section describes the settings of Managed Paths and Activate Doc ID feature for Templates in Collaboration Manager 365. 

Managed Path settings are applicable only for Classic and Communication sites. Document ID feature is applicable only for classic sites.

1. From Collaboration Manager 365 main menu, click on link "Setup" in left navigation. Click on link "Templates" under Settings. Settings page related to Template is displayed with 4 columns in tabular view.

Following are the details of the columns:

1.1 Name: Name of templates is displayed

1.2 Managed Path: This is the path where site collections are saved. This can be saved under path of Sites or under Teams. This is applicable only for Classic and Communication Sites. Groups and Teams does not have any impact on this field. 

Select the option "Sites" from Managed Path column.

1.3 Activate Doc ID feature: When this feature is activated unique document id will be associated by SharePoint for every Document that is uploaded to any template or the workspace. The functionality to activate Doc ID feature is explained in detail in section Activate DocID Feature.

Select the record "ClassicTemplate1" and click on Edit pencil in right corner. Select "Activate Doc ID feature" checkbox and Click on button "Update". Value in column under "Activate Doc ID" will be updated as "True".

Note: "ClassicTemplate1" is already created using section Create Template

1.4 Option to edit the records: User can edit a record using pencil icon. User can click on the pencil icon and select "Sites" or "Team" under Managed Path column, select "Activate Doc ID feature" checkbox and click on update button. Changes are saved once button "Update" is clicked. 

Click on button "Cancel" cancels the save operation and changes are not saved to the template.  

Sorting in Template Tabular view:

User can sort the values in ascending or in descending order. User can select any column and can click on the column name. Once it is clicked, it will be sorted in ascending or in descending order.

Pagination in Template Tabular View:

User can set the number of records in a page using the number as "5" or "10" or "20" items per page. When user sets the value as "20", 20 records are displayed in first page and when user navigates to the next page, it displays the next 20 records. 

User can click on "" to navigate to the next page.

User can click on "" to navigate to the last page.

User can click on "" to navigate to the previous page.

User can click on "" to navigate to the first page.

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