Typically we recommend to use a dedicated Site Collection as the entry point for the end user. This is called "Selfservice". Of course this could be any site collection.

You can follow our example:

  • Create managed path implicit inclusion "selfservice"
    • Open Central Admin
    • Application Management
    • Choose the corresponding Web Application - Managed Paths
    • Add a new Path "selfservice" - select "Explicit Inclusion" and click on "Add Path"
  • Create Site Collection
    • Select the same Web Application than before
    • Specify a Title such as "Selfservice"
    • optional: Provide a description
    • URL: Select the URL "Selfservice" which was defined in the previous step
    • Template can be anything, typically choose Team Site
    • Provide at least one Primary Site Collection Administrator, later on you can change permissions
    • Optional: Provide a secondary Site Collection Administrator
    • Confirm with OK