Create Naming Convention

For any Teams created from Teams Manager, Naming Convention can be applied. Similarly, if the Template has OneNote and Planner to it and if Teams is created using this Template, then Naming convention can be applied to the "OneNote" and the "Planner" associated to the Teams. 

First step is to create a Naming Convention, second step is to define a Policy and third step is to execute the Policy. 

Following section describes the steps for creation of Naming Convention.

Naming Convention can be created under Settings->Governance for the OneNote, Planner and also for the Teams. 

Go to Teams Manager and click on tab "Settings".

Click on link "Naming Conventions" under "Governance".

Click on button "Create a Naming Convention".

"Create a Naming Convention" screen is displayed with the option to create Naming Convention for the user.

Enter the following details:

Field "Auto-generate Teams Name": This is a checkbox and when user selects this checkbox, 

Field "Name": This is a text field which accepts alphanumeric characters. This is the name of the Naming Convention that will be used.  Enter value as "NC-Teams".

Field "Description": This is a text field which accepts alphanumeric characters. This is the description for the Naming Convention. Enter "Naming Convention for OneNote, Planner and Teams".

Tab "OneNote"

In this tab, user has an option to set the naming convention for the OneNotes.

In tab OneNote, there is an option to add "Prefix" and "Suffix":

Prefix: User can either select the prefix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data. 

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

Suffix: User can either select the suffix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data.

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

But if Attribute is already added in Prefix, User will not be able to add the same attribute in Suffix. 

For e.g, In Prefix, if user selects the "Attribute" as "Template Name", in Suffix, when user select the "Attribute" the option "Template Name" will not be available to the user.

In Prefix, Select "Attribute" as "Team Name", add another row and select "Custom" and enter "-".

In this scenario, when a new OneNote is created, naming convention will be applied when Policy is executed. OneNote will be named as "<Team Name>-<OneNote Name>".

Tab "Planner":

In this tab, user has an option to set the naming convention for the Planner.

In tab Planner, there is an option to add "Prefix" and "Suffix":

Prefix: User can either select the prefix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data. 

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

Suffix: User can either select the suffix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data.

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

But if Attribute is already added in Prefix, User will not be able to add the same attribute in Suffix. 

For e.g, In Prefix, if user selects the "Attribute" as "Template Name", in Suffix, when user select the "Attribute" the option "Template Name" will not be available to the user.

In Prefix, Select "Custom" as "Test-".

In this scenario, when a new Planner is created, naming convention will be applied when Policy is executed. Planner will be named as "<Test-><Planner Name>".

Tab "Teams":

In this tab, user has an option to set the naming convention for the Teams created in Teams Manager.

As in other tabs, this tab Teams also, there is an option to add "Prefix" and "Suffix":

Prefix: User can either select the prefix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data. 

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

Suffix: User can either select the suffix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label.. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data.

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

But if Attribute is already added in Prefix, User will not be able to add the same attribute in Suffix. 

For e.g, In Prefix, if user selects the "Attribute" as "Template Name", in Suffix, when user select the "Attribute" the option "Template Name" will not be available to the user.

In Prefix, Select "Custom" as "Project - ".

In Suffix, Select "Attribute" as "Template Name".

In this scenario, when a new Team is created, naming convention will be applied when Policy is executed. Teams will be named as "<Project - ><Template Name>".

Click on button "Create".

Naming Convention "NC-Teams" is created and listed in "Teams Manager Naming Conventions" screen. 

This displays the Name, Description, Modified by and Last modified(date) in the list view.


User can also use Metadata fields for applying the Naming Convention in Teams, OneNote and Planner as described in following screenshot:

Tab "SharePoint URL/Mail Nickname":

In this tab, user has an option to set the naming convention for the Sharepoint URL/Mail Nickname in Teams Manager.

As in other tabs, this tab also, there is an option to add "Prefix" and "Suffix":

Prefix: User can either select the prefix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name", Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data. 

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

Suffix: User can either select the suffix as "Attribute" which corresponds to having "Template Name",Team Name, Classification and Sensitivity Label. User can also select the option as "Custom" in which user has the option to enter custom data.

Note: When the following special characters are entered on selecting the value as "Custom", it doesn't support and it ignores these characters "?*\/:<>&#"%".

But if Attribute is already added in Prefix, User will not be able to add the same attribute in Suffix. 

For e.g, In Prefix, if user selects the "Attribute" as "Template Name", in Suffix, when user select the "Attribute" the option "Template Name" will not be available to the user.

In Prefix, Select "Custom" as "Project - ".

In Suffix, Select "Attribute" as "Template Name".

In this scenario, when a new Team is created, naming convention will be applied when Policy is executed. Teams will be named as "<Project - ><Template Name>".

Click on button "Create".

This completes the functionality of Creating Naming Convention.

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