Adding MindMap as a tab

MindMap can be added as a tab to teams, where the users can perform all operations such as manage MindMap, connect the mindmap to the Microsoft “Planner” plan, share MindMap, create Tasks etc., without using the MindMap application.

This section describes the steps to add MindMap as a tab to Teams.

Go to Microsoft Teams and select the team to which you want to add the MindMap as a tab.

eg. Sales and Marketing

Go to General channel and click on '+' to add a new tab.

Select MindMap. Two options will be offered: either add a new MindMap or select an existing MindMap to add as a tab. After selecting one of the two options, click on the "Save" button.

User can now access MindMap and perform the operations that can be performed in My MindMaps tab.

This completes the functionality on adding MindMap as a tab to Teams.