Create SPTrustedToken
Create SPTrustedToken
This section is quite important. Please make sure that this step runs successfully.
Use the following PowerShell code available at or at the bottom of this page.
After that, run the script with your parameters, e.g.:
./HighTrustConfig-ForSingleApp.ps1 –CertPath "C:\Install\MeetingManager.cer" –CertName "MeetingManager" –SPAppClientID "dcc8d3d7-50d9-4cff-b594-5c80f756c473" –TokenIssuerFriendlyName "MeetingManager"
- CertPath: Full path to our public certificate (.cer) including file name which will be used for the Server2Server Trust.
- CertName: Common Name of the certificate used
- SPAppClientID: ClientID / App ID you've generated before
- TokenIssuerFriendlyName: Can be anything to help you identify that this trust belongs to Meeting Manager, e.g. Meeting Manager
Afterwards run "iisreset /noforce" which will restart SharePoint and all application pools. If you don't do this, you need to wait 24 hours in order that the trust will be enabled.
There will be a output, make sure you remember the Serial Number of the certificate (Note: This screenshot shows a different certificate as in the previous example):
Save the following script as HighTrustConfig-ForSingleApp.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $CertPath = $(throw "Usage: HighTrustConfig-ForSingleApp.ps1 -CertPath <full path to .cer file> -CertName <name of certificate> [-SPAppClientID <client ID of SharePoint add-in>] [-TokenIssuerFriendlyName <friendly name>]"),
[Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $CertName,
[Parameter(Mandatory)][String] $SPAppClientID,
[Parameter()][String] $TokenIssuerFriendlyName
# Stop if there's an error
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Ensure friendly name is short enough
if ($TokenIssuerFriendlyName.Length -gt 50)
throw "-TokenIssuerFriendlyName must be unique name of no more than 50 characters."
# Get the certificate
$certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2($CertPath)
# Make the certificate a trusted root authority in SharePoint
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name $CertName -Certificate $certificate
# Get the GUID of the authentication realm
$realm = Get-SPAuthenticationRealm
# Must use the client ID as the specific issuer ID. Must be lower-case!
$specificIssuerId = New-Object System.String($SPAppClientID).ToLower()
# Create full issuer ID in the required format
$fullIssuerIdentifier = $specificIssuerId + '@' + $realm
# Create issuer name
if ($TokenIssuerFriendlyName.Length -ne 0)
$tokenIssuerName = $TokenIssuerFriendlyName
$tokenIssuerName = $specificIssuerId
# Register the token issuer
New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer -Name $tokenIssuerName -Certificate $certificate -RegisteredIssuerName $fullIssuerIdentifier