API Token
API Token
This section describes the steps for generation of API token in Collaboration Manager 365.
When a new template is created, fast workspaces are created in the background depending on the number of records updated in the Settings page. Fast workspaces are replica of templates that are created in Collaboration Manager 365. Fast workspaces are mainly created to reduce the waiting time for the creation of the workspaces.
1. From Collaboration Manager 365 main menu, click on link "Setup" in left navigation.
2. Click on link "API Token" under Settings.
3. Click on button "Generate Request token" in right corner of API Request Token page.
4. A secret token is generated.
Users can use this token to call the APIs for the functionalities as "Create Templates", "Save Template", "Delete Sites" and "SyncWorkspace" using the codes as explained in the documentation provided in the URL below:
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